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2. Pedagogical Contents

1.1  Teaching methods of the teacher that I observed


    Ma'am Rizky Kristianti, S..Pd. She is one of the faculty members, an English teacher in SMA 1 Negeri Surakarta, teachers and students from this school called her Miss K. She won a gold medal for the first prize in the National Teachers Olympiad (OGN) English Subject held on April 29 to May 3, 2019 in Jakarta. I observe her class last September 9-11, 2019. It was indeed a very enjoyable lesson because ma'am Kiky used performance based activity. She facilitate learning very well. She discussed first the lesson for the student to have a knowledge before they do their activity. from time to time she observed the classroom management.

Bu Kiky's lesson was all about Home Remedies. She started her lesson by grouping the class into 5. She discuss first the "IF" conditional statement. after that she gave the instructions to the students. The student must search for the home remedies and identify if it is a facts or a myth through a power point presentation. they must used the Conditional IF upon presenting their report.

I observed her on LM XI MIPA 6 or Grade 11 english class. LM is a curriculum subject where in student can attend this class buy choice. Ma 

Ma'am Kiky do some corrections about the grammar and the pronunciation and also postures of the students. She even gave the students site for pronouncing the words correctly that is the text speech for the student to type their essay to it and listen, so when they delivered it goes well.

She tell students that it's ok that they do some grammatical mistakes because every one can make a mistakes even she can still do some grammatical error but what is important is that when you do mistakes and you claimed it that will gave improvement to you. She also give tips for the mid semester exam and that is Bad Handwriting is equal to bad score.

According to her, though the student is noisy sometimes its ok, as long as it is not too loud what is important they are learning. 

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